Friday, September 27, 2013

Wave is helping in schools for children with different needs

Waves of educational activities are taking turns in many unexpected ways when helping local communities. Wave Projects is always looking for new ways how to help local communities. Besides helping schools for children with different needs in Serbia, recently Wave started helping in the school in Tuzla, Bosnia. Wave volunteers were thrilled with enthusiasm and commitment of people who work in the school and at the same time overwhelmed with needs that the children in the institution have. We have heard the stories that brought tears to our eyes. Stay tuned for new projects coming up where you can join and help those who are in the biggest need!

Wave Tuzla is hosting volunteers and team members from England

In October 2013 guests and Wave volunteers from England were visiting Tuzla, Bosnia to learn about Wave activities in Bosnia, as well as to help throughout the regular weekly activities in Tuzla. Helping in Wave educational programs, volunteer work in the orphanage and in the school for children with different needs, visits to the house groups and church services, workshops and team meetings were only the part of the programme during the visit.

Wave intensive educational program in Serbia

Wave intensive educational program in Subotica, Serbia took place from 26th October to 9th November 2013. It was the first time that Wave Subotica team members organized the intensive programme independently! It was an exciting time, so stay tuned for Wave news from Serbia!

Wave is an initiative that organizes serving projects in needy communities in Europe and beyond.